Serra Diptas

Serra Diptaş Resim


Serra Diptas, graduated with a BA from Sabanci University with honors in International Studies and a minor in Art Theory and Criticism. She took undergraduate courses at the London School of Economics & Political Science and Ghent University. She completed her Masters of Arts in International Relations with a minor in Middle East at Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). She has been active in different non-governmental organizations such as the Turkish Youth Foundation and the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Youth Assembly. She worked at the Turkish Ministry of European Affairs and Istanbul Policy Center as an intern. She worked at the SETA DC as a Research Assistant where she has become a writer of two books "The First Year of Trump" and "An Almanac -Us-Turkey Relations Under The Ak Party". She was previously working at the Foreign Affairs and International Humanitarian Aid Department of Ministry of Interior, Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) as Head of the Foreign Affairs Group. Serra is also a Founding Board Member and Chair of the Youth Commission for Diplomacy and Collaboration (YCDC). In addition to being fluent in Turkish and English, Serra knows basic French.

What I do

Foreign Affairs

She has participated and made speeches and presantations at various international conferences , seminars and workshops

Humanitarian Aid

She has joined many field operations especially in Syria and Bangladesh.

Youth Activities

She organized international conferences such as TAYC and Y20 TURKEY .She has initiated many youth projects like Young Diplomats Academy & Young Academicians Forum .

Academic Works

She is writer of 2 books and published many reports and also has academic papers.

  • Education

  • Johns Hopkins University - Washington, DC

    School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS)

    May 2017

    Master of Arts, International Relations and International Economics Concentration: IR General, Minor: Middle East (100% Scholarship)

  • Sabanci University International Studies (Major), Art Theory  

    and Criticism (Minor)

    June 2014

    High Honors Degree - Sakip Sabanci Encouragement Scholarship (50% tuition waiver)
    Ghent University, Erasmus student (Feb - Jul 2013)
    London School of Economics and Political Science (Jul - Aug 2011)

  • Uskudar American Academy

    June 2009

  • Experience

  • Ministry of Famliy and Social Services

    Head of European Union and Foreign Affairs Department

    May 2021 - Present

  • Ministry of Interior Disaster and Emergency Management

    Authority (AFAD)

    Head of International Relations Group

    Feb 2018 - May 2021

    Responsible for leading a team of 10 people, coordinated AFAD's institutional foreign relations, lead and involved in humanitarian aid field operations in Syria and Bangladesh, made needs assessment, conducted humanitarian aid projects related to Syria, Yemen and Palestine, wrote and published reports, represented AFAD at internatioanal meetings related on humanitarian issues and accompanied the Head of AFAD at many national and international meetings.

  • SETA Foundation , Research Assistant - Washington D.C.

    July 2017 - Feb 2018

    Wrote weekly reports, conducted research projects; wrote two books ("An Almanac: Turkish - American Relations under Ak Party" and "Trump's First year"), organized events and seminars (prepared handouts and advertisement of the event, promoted the event on social media, sent invitations, assigned roles for interns for the event, posted on the foundation's website about the event, set appointments with the photographer, translator and cameraman, organized food and location, communicated with the speakers).

  • Sabanci University Assistant to Maryse Posenaer

    Feb 2014 - Jun 2014

    Art in the Early Age of Revolt Course Assistant- Organized lesson materals, provided lecture about Orientalism and the exhibition "Intersecting Worlds: Ambassadors and Painters" at Pera Museum, Beyoglu.

  • Istanbul Policy Center

    Oct 2012 - Jan 2013

    intern- Conducted research on the future of BRICS and wrote a report about it.

  • Project Research Assistant to Prof. Meltem Müftüler Baç

    Jul 2012 - Aug 2012

    Assisted Prof. Meltem Müftüler Baç with Listing and analyzing academic documents about Transatlantic relations.

  • Ministry for EU Affairs, Department of Political Affairs

    Sep 2013 - Oct 2013

    Intern - Translated, researched and summarized academic articles; prepared briefs.

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Books & Reports